Do dentists lie about periodontal disease? (2024)

Do dentists lie about periodontal disease?

After diagnosing that you have some level of disease, your dentist may refer you to a specialist called a periodontist who will evaluate your gums to determine your level of periodontal disease. The periodontist will measure the space between your tooth and gum, which is called a periodontal pocket.

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Can a dentist misdiagnose periodontitis?

Gum disease can easily be misdiagnosed, especially by people who don't know what the signs are. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two forms of gum disease that are related.

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Is periodontal disease a big deal?

In its more serious form, called periodontitis, the gums can pull away from the tooth, bone can be lost, and the teeth may loosen or even fall out. Periodontal disease is mostly seen in adults. Periodontal disease and tooth decay are the two biggest threats to dental health.

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Can your gums heal from periodontal disease?

You can't cure periodontitis, but you can manage the condition with proper care and maintenance. This includes good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings at intervals recommended by your dentist.

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Can dentists do anything about gum disease?

If you have severe gum disease, you may need further treatment, such as periodontal surgery. In some cases, it's necessary to remove the affected tooth. Your dentist will be able to tell you about the procedure needed and how it's carried out. If necessary, they can refer you to a specialist.

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Can you keep all your teeth with periodontitis?

With gum disease, you won't keep your teeth for long. In fact, unlike tooth decay which impacts your smile one tooth at a time, periodontitis can cause you to lose multiple, if not all, teeth at once. Gum disease starts small as a mild form called gingivitis.

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How worried should I be about periodontitis?

It's important to see a dentist right away if you ever suspect something is wrong with your gums. Both gingivitis and periodontitis can happen faster than you think. If you ever feel like your gums are tender, look red or swollen, or you're noticing pink on your floss or toothbrush, give us a call as soon as you can.

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Can you live a long life with periodontal disease?

But the condition may get even worse if left untreated. They may experience receding gums, loosening teeth, or tooth loss when it progresses into severe periodontal disease. If you wonder if you can live with this disease, the answer is yes.

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Is there hope for periodontitis?

Tooth loss is often an unfortunate outcome when left untreated. But today, with so many successful periodontitis treatment options available for advanced gum disease, losing teeth doesn't have to occur.

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Has anyone reversed periodontal disease?

The answer is “yes,” but there's a catch. Only the first stage of gum disease, known as “gingivitis” can be reversed. After it progresses into the second stage (periodontitis), it's no longer possible to completely eliminate it.

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When is it too late to treat gum disease?

It's never too late to seek treatment for gum disease, and the degree of treatment you require will depend on how advanced it is.

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When is it too late for gum grafting?

In some cases, it may be too late for gum grafting to save the gums. If your gums are severely damaged, receding so far back that they expose the tooth's root, or if there is significant bone loss from advanced gum disease, gum grafting may not be able to restore them to their healthy state.

Do dentists lie about periodontal disease? (2024)

How long does it take to get rid of periodontitis?

Typically, you will need to get periodontal cleanings every 3 months for the rest of your life to keep your gum disease under control, and as long as you get routine cleanings and maintain good oral hygiene, your condition won't get worse. However, you will never be fully healed.

Should you get a second opinion on periodontal disease?

So if you are receiving a periodontal diagnosis from a dentist and that diagnosis includes extractions due to periodontal disease, it would make sense to see a periodontist for a second opinion. Periodontists can also evaluate whether it would be more predictable to save a tooth or to replace it with a dental implant.

What can be mistaken for gum disease?

Gum cancer can be confused with gum disease, which is why it's important to keep up with your regular dental appointments. These types of cancers can spread quickly. Early detection is important for the best possible outcome.

How do you rule out periodontitis?

Examine your mouth to look for plaque and tartar buildup and check for easy bleeding. Measure how deep the pockets are between your gums and teeth by placing a tiny ruler called a dental probe between your teeth and gumline. Pockets are measured at several places in your upper and lower gums.

Can dentists misdiagnose?

The answer is yes, there is always the potential to under or over diagnose a cavity. The chances of this happening are rare and depend on a number of factors.

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